Lioness Collective, a group for mother artists and creatives. Stay tuned for more news here.
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Anthropology of Motherhood - 2020 Submission - relevant files for review
Christen Russo’s poem to apply to wall and floor of installation.
I find comfort in knowing:
in my lineage, mamas and papas
scrunched their noses,
shook their legs after
sitting down too long,
roared out happiness,
squeezed my grandmothers so tight they
protested the love—
Yes, yes,
the same grandmothers who enveloped my mothers, who
folded themselves around my selves,
who reached their fingers down as I do,
[printed on floor] so you could grab on and perform my steps,
your feet floating in dance.
For images of Olga Brindar’s work, please visit main website: The above images/text/video are meant to provide more detail and insight of AOM proposed group installation from selected members of Lioness Collective.